Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Meeting Dates and Locations

Fellowship Groups will start again in September!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 7

We read the following scriptures:
I Cor 2:10-14
Eph 1:13
Heb 4:12
Rom 12:2
John 5:39

Here's what we discussed:
-God works His will in us by His Spirit through our interactions with others and as we read His word.  He makes it come alive.
-Ps 138:8 - He works His purpose into our lives.  His Spirit gets us ready for what He wants us to do.
-His Spirit with us is real, energizing and powerful.
-The Holy Spirit helps us to imagine actually being there with the disciples during the time when Jesus was on earth!
-When we read we can know God fills us and gives us what we need.  He leads us and guides us.
-We need Him more and more as we grow in God.
-Ps 145:20 - The Lord preserves those who love Him!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 23

We read the following scriptures together:
2 Tim 3:16-4:6
Ps 19:7-11
Ps 119: 105, 9-11
I Pet 1:22-25
Matt 4:4
Jn 8:31-32

Here's what we discussed:
-God's word is all we need to know Him, worship Him, and walk with Him.
-The Bible is necessary to know God, be saved, and walk with God.
-We can easily miss the mark on God's character, salvation, etc. if we don't stay grounded in the Bible.
-It would be horrific if we all just depended on our own personal revelation of God.  We would have no idea what God is really like.
-Prov 29:25 - It is better to trust in the Lord than to fear man.
-Prov 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart...
-Phil 4:4-8 - Rejoice in the Lord not be anxious for anything...pray and fix your minds on what is true.  We can trust Him through all of life's seasons.
-God tells us that His grace is sufficient for us.
-Hebrews says that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  That's true no matter what we feel like.
-When we can't see answers we need to trust God's leading and sovereignty.
-As we mature in God we need Him more and more, not less.
-Without His word we would be groping and stumbling around in the dark.

Friday, September 12, 2014

September 9 Care Group

We discussed the Sunday morning message called
"God Has Spoken - Breathed Out By God."

Key Verses:  2 Tim 3:16-17, Psalm 138:2, 2Peter 1:20-21

-We talked about what this means in our everyday lives.  It means that His word is our authority and gives us the guidelines to live our lives.
-His word is the engine, our feelings are the caboose.
-The common cultural saying "Follow your heart" and "Do what feels right" are horrible ways of making decisions and living life.
-Our measuring line is the word of God, nothing else.
-Scriptures inspire us to obey God, be encouraged, and give Him glory.
-We can always check what we are taught with the word of God, that's a safeguard for us.